Wivalux provides comprehensive solar system solutions tailored for both private and corporate clients. Our team designs and calculates complete, customized solutions, manages all necessary permits, and assists with financing options. We offer a turnkey approach focused on maximizing profitability and ensuring sustainable energy for the future.
Wivalux Smart City solutions are designed for city planners, municipalities, and counties, providing complete network-based systems for LED street lighting, IoT sensors, camera networks, and both public and private WiFi networks. Our expertly crafted solutions come with no upfront installation costs, ensuring immediate financial savings and long-term efficiency from day one.
Wivalux Waste Management solutions turn waste challenges into economically sustainable biogas energy systems, delivering substantial environmental and financial benefits for municipalities and counties. Our solutions help eliminate the need for landfills, reducing health risks by preventing pest and disease breeding grounds, while also fostering a cleaner, greener community.
WivaLux International ApS - Søgårdsvej 1A - Jørlunde - 3550 Slangerup - Denmark - CVR-nummer 37682748